


Millions of` kids play baseball annually. 70,000,000 people attend major league baseball games. How many more watch on television and

how many more attend youth, hgh school and college baseball games? Then, how many people attend softball games?

Baseball involves children and usually their parents too.

This parade of millions of youth baseball players exists. The coaches for many of these atheltes are continually looking for the best opportuntiies for their teams to participate in for the development of their skills and minds.


BombSquad Baseball has expanded its participation of teams and players attending by nearly 20% per year, nearly every year 10 years running. Starting as a simple fund raiser for a high school baseball team, the Midwest Baseball Championships have grown to exceed 30,000 people through the atendance gates each year.

BombSquad Baseball’s expansion has occured while renting local parks and high school baseball fields. State of the art baseball complexes are an attraction that baseball teams seek out. The best parks are flanked with support of local and national tournaments that want to experience new facilities.

There are nearly 45,000,000 people living in the states that continually send teams to participate in the Midwest Baseball Championships. Teams enjoy playing against teams from other states. The Midwest Baseball Championships has found a home in Northwest Indiana, in part because its easy for teams from Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Indiana to get to and play teams from other states.

Museums are popular

There are approximately 850 million visits each year to American museums, more than the attendance for all major league sporting events and theme parks combined. Museums have hundreds of millions of online visits a year just from adults, a number that continues to grow.

Support for museums is robust regardless of political persuasion. 96% of Americans would approve of lawmakers who acted to support museums. The number is consistently high for respondents who consider themselves politically liberal (97%), moderate (95%), or conservative (93%)

Combining a state of the art baseball complex

with a human rights musuem will INVOLVE!



Turn on the television nightly news 365 days of the year and you can easily conclude that life is not a bed of roses for many.  With the stream of mostly bad news, one can get overwhelmed. 

Nearly all social unrest issues can be directly attributed to a breakdown of a human right. Helping individuals match issues to specific human rights violations is the launching point to resolving the issue. .

From the United for Human Rights website

Humanitarians have stood up for human rights because they recognized that peace and progress can never be achieved without them. Each, in a significant way, changed the world.

Martin Luther King, Jr., when championing the rights of people of color in the United States in the 1960s, declared, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

The great advocate of peaceful resistance to oppression, Mahatma Gandhi, described nonviolence as “the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man.”

Fighting fiercely against religious persecution in eighteenth-century France, Voltaire wrote, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

Thomas Jefferson, inspiration and principal author of the American Declaration of Independence, declared that “The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only legitimate object of good government.”



Boys and girls are born equal, but education systems are not. You get the idea.

Over 1 billion adults on planet earth are unable to read. Do they really have the same opportunities as those that are literate? NO! The result is slavery, abuse, discrimination and many other acts of human rights abuses.

The problems are huge, the solutions don’t have to be. 

A long term solution to many solical issues is to educate everyone that wants an education with workable study and learning technologies.



Mr. L. Ron Hubbard stated “Production is the basis or morale.” Most have experienced the satisfaction one feels after hard work, whether its a few hours at a gym, an afternoon raking leaves, the acing of a test, or the completion of a work project. This mental state of high morale is not usually when educated inividuals cause problems. 

When a person is educated they have more opportunities to develop their own ideas, own their own businesses or become more employable. Social security to take care of the elderly, young or unemployable is necessary, but willing and able people are better programnning computers, digging ditches and any other form of constructive production.

With education in, rewarding ingenuity, hardwork and production is the workable path for long term success of a race and the people who share this rock called earth. 

Educated, productive people in agreement with, abiding by and taking responsibility for the codes described in the Declaration of Human Rights will resolve all human rights issues.


Here is our Human Rights Expansion Plan…



If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem! Let’s face it, we’ve got problems in our world. Everywhere you turn, people are trying to stomp on our basic human rights. Baseball for Human Rights wants to help change that!

We will be promoting the baseball complex and museum broadly with the expectation attendence will be strong. Those that tour the musuem will be encouraced to activate as a Human Rights Ambassador where they will connect with other like-minded individuals that  help others to become literate, help others to learn a trade, help others to know what human rights are and help other to become active in the fight for global human rights.


Come Join the Fun & Be Part of Baseball for Human Rights!

What are Human Rights?

Say No to Drugs

YFHR Home Run Derby

Another Winner!

Come Join the Fun!


Mission Statement

To create a destination(s) that people will visit learning about human rights, getting trained on resolving human rights issues and then becoming active human rights ambassadores.

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Locations Served

Kids like to play baseball against teams from other states and Bombsquad Baseball Tournaments have been expanding by 20% every year. Baseball for Human Rights along with Bombsquad Baseball will serve a 5 State region including: Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois & Wisconsin. There are 20,000,000 people within a 4 hour drive of our new complex.